My Spiritual Journey to Ghana

My Spiritual Trip to Ghana
by Cathy Bilsky
Part Two

Accra Right before I left to Ghana Haiti had a large devastating earthquake and many people asked me why I didn’t go there. Well….Because God had me booked to go to Ghana and I didn’t have any extra money to change my flight. I may have gone if I wasn’t already committed. Truly after I saw what was happening in Haiti and our government sending in troops instead of doctors I new without a doubt that I would be much safer in Ghana than Haiti. I did not have a choice for again I was already committed to Ghana.

Before I left I was able to rent out my apt for the month so I knew whatever happened at the store my house rent was covered and that did give me some peace of mind. The rest I had to leave in God’s hands.

My family asked me to stay connected and call them once a day so I got an Iphone 2 days before I left and then learned how to kind of use it on the way to Ghana between airport connections. Big lesson in patience. I spent most of my time talking to AT&T to understand what I could do and not do in Ghana and the US. I thought I would be able to use it for the computer…ahhh dream on.

While I was in the air I started to read Sai Baba’s Gita and started to cry ..just a little.

God was giving me a manual on what he expects from me during my journey. The tests that I would be given and how I was suppose to act while I was going thru them. What a gift. It is such a blessing when God gives you a heads up that you will be tested and what you need to do to pass.

The man that rented my apt for the month I was gone helped me remember how to travel. I was to take whatever God sent my way and keep a smile on my face. Be grateful for whatever I was given and roll with the situation. I can do that and got a good start on that lesson when my car went down.

I was not worried about my safety for I was traveling with what I called “The Baba Boys”. These are some very high spiritual beings that I like to think that i not only work for but I call out too when I am in any kind of trouble and the trouble straightens out like magic.

Sathya Sai Baba is still alive living in India. He is around 86 and I consider him God living on earth. This is my truth I am speaking with a conclusion I have come to after many personal experiences with Sathya Sai Baba who I believe is a truly highly evolved being in my eyes . I have been working with Sai Baba for more than 20 years.. I have been given the grace to go to see him in India 3 times and my truth is he is God living on earth. Sai baba walks his talk and lives his truth. He honors all religions believing that all religions are one. That we all belong to the religion of love. He also believes in doing service for others. After my second trip to India I had a dream where I was in a temple and was being attacked by night creatures. I held my ground and started chanting “Om Sri Sai Ram”. As I did this the creatures fell back and were gone. I always say this when I am in any kind of challenge and the danger always backs away from me.

Then we have Shridi Sai Baba. This was Sathya Sai Baba’s last incarnation. When I was a very young girl and was learning something new like roller skating , snow skiing or ice skating I always had an old man with a white beard appear and teach me, staying with me until I got it and could do it on my own. Then he was gone and I never saw him again. Yes I do believe this was the Divine being Shridi Sai Baba. When Shridi was alive he slept one night in a Hindu temple and the next night in a mosque. He also tried to teach about religious tolerance.

The last of the baba boys is Sachcha Prem Baba who is only 41 and a pretty amazing being on his own. He is from Brazil with many accomplishments. He is a psychologist that went thru the initiations to become a Shaman. Studied many religions on his own to end up finding His Divine master in India that helped him become self realized. I have tested this man a lot and he passed all my tests. He has become a teacher of mine and has helped me go beyond the stuck state I was in and move forward on my spiritual path. I don’t know how I earned the grace of this man and I don’t really care. Maybe one day I will know but it is not really important for we have a very sweet connection that cannot be easily broken.

When I am in trouble I have called to Prem Baba and the help I need always appears. My last miracle with Prembaba…well maybe the last 2. One I started to overload when my store landlord was giving me some challenges after I got back from Ghana. Spirit pushed me to my limit and after calling to Prem baba for help it straightened out. But this is a story for later and not now. My last miracle was when I wrote to Prembaba and told him about my car challenges and what was wrong with the car. My dash lights were lit up like a Christmas tree telling me caution, danger, etc….which was true for the inverter was going out on the car. After I mentioned this to Prembaba I started the car the next day and all the lights were off. No this was not a coincidence. If anyone wanted to quantum leap their spirituality I would suggest you become a devotee of Prem baba. For that time it worked for me.

Like I said with all the Baba boys with me I felt very very protected. Ahh yes I am sure the woman were watching out for me too like Ammachi, the hugging mother from India. But for some reason in this life time I am more drawn to the male energy.

I must add that all my teachings and guidance from the Baba boys are all internal. All my guidance came from within and my inner knowingness.

I will admit that the day before I was to get on a plane for Ghana I was a bit shaky. This also happened right before I landed in Accra Ghana. Let’s just call it having human moments.

I started to read Sai Baba’s Gita on one of my many flights to Accra. What a gift the book was. It told me ..again ..How I was to take things. Neither getting really excited or sad and to take each step of the way with a smile. It talked about the tests that we are given to see if we can push thru the challenges and keep moving forward. If we couldn’t push through are challenges we were not much use to God. It also reminded me that simply blessing my food will keep the food clean and remove all negative vibration that could have been put into the food from the cook. Believe me I blessed the heck out of my food and I think it worked for I did not get sick at all from the food I ate. Big tips on how to get thru my trip with grace and ease. And then their was the chapter on how we use our words …..Ouch that one really sent the arrow home to my heart. For what came up for me was a friend I hurt very deeply with my words. All my anger and hurt was directed on someone I cared for a lot.. My poor friend got a lot of my dark side and the anger I carried for my ex-husband was directed at the wrong person. I lost his friendship. We always hurt the ones we care for the most. Learn by doing program even if we are not doing it very nicely. They say the greater the disruption the greater the growth. I got to grow in leaps and bounds this time. My heart still hurts over this lesson.

So let’s now jump to Accra and my stay at the Crystal Hostile. What a nice safe place to get over jet lag and try and figure out what I will do. My original thought was to take all my Angelite and go to the largest refugee camp, find a place to stay and go to work. Reality check. I only had less than $650 now to work with. Very little in the budget for car rental. I could not drag 2 suitcases filled with rocks around..and my backpacks…all over Ghana with no car . I went on the computer and started writing to people on Face book, and looked to see who would want me as a volunteer. I got a little nervous for in the beginning I received no response or simple no thanks …don’t need volunteers right now. It was a little hard to not take it personally.

After the 3rd day I e-mailed a man from some town called Tamale. As I was sending him a note I got some chills and thought maybe this man will be important. A man also came in to the hostile that was a guide and I asked him if he new of any Sai Baba devotees in Accra. He said he would check and we exchanged phone numbers. He called me that nite just delighted for he had some phone numbers of the Sai Baba devotees. Right after he called I called the numbers and was very disappointed that all I got was an answering machine. No one returned my calls.

During all this I was able to connect with a very good psychic who gave me a little guidance via the internet. She would reassure me that it was ok to just sit and wait for I needed to rest to get over jet lag and the person I needed to connect with was on his way. It did calm me a little. Finally I had a talk with God and said “If all he wanted for me to do was just pray the whole month in Ghana I had enough money to cover the hostile. That is all I would do. I finally released it all to Sai baba and Prem Baba’s hands. What ever the Divine wanted me to do I was ok …whatever it was to be. However I did add that if you want me to do more than just Pray and you want me to do any teaching then you have to open the doors and show me. I also asked Sai Baba what have I done wrong for you won’t let me connect with the Sai Baba group here…..

The next day something opened up for me and I heard back from the man from Tamale inviting me to come to his village for they could use my gifts. I did share with him that I was on a very tight budget and asked if he could find me a place to stay in Tamale I would come. I was a little happy for Tamale was 400 miles north and I would at least see some of Africa even it was from a bus. I went and got the ticket for the next Sunday which was 2 days away. After I made the commitment I got a response back from a Dr. in the middle of the country. I wrote I would try and be there the last 2 weeks I was in Ghana.

I still could not get in touch with the Sai organization. I did have the thought that I was being blocked from seeing them first for if I did I would not want to leave Accra and go anywhere else. The Divine definitely wanted me to go to Tamale first. I was so right on that thought for the Sai group is one of the highest vibrations you can be around in Ghana.

So far as long as I had some patience I was given everything I needed when I needed it.

When I had to go to the bus station and get my ticket. Believe me this was not an easy journey for I found out that there are 4 different bus stations and they all go somewhere different. One of the guys at the hostel volunteered to take me because he didn’t have anything else to do. Worked great for me. The ticket trip was a breeze with only one sensory overload when we went thru the largest market in Accra, the Kheneshi market. That was a totally sensory overload for me. Crowds are a challenge for me.

I lived and spent the rest of my time communicating on the computers, reading the Gita and resting. Adjusting to the hot hot and humid weather Ghana had in the month of Feb. The trade off is there are less mosquitoes to deal with. When the little buggers carry Malaria..well……….let me say dry is good. Before I came a young couple who traveled thru Ghana turned me on to Neem oil as a mosquito repell. It is not what you call the oil for lovers for the oil is a bit……pungent in smell. I guess that is why the mosquitoes don’t come near you. I wasn’t going over to Ghana to fall in love so this was not a problem with me. My only regret is that I didn’t buy the bigger bottle of Neem. It worked so well I can say I had less then 10 mosquito bites in the whole month I was there. I was pretty impressed and just delighted that I listened. Next time I will invest in the biggest bottle I can find of Neem oil. The stuff is just darned amazing. The Indians call the Neem tree the tree of life.

The bus was a 12 hour journey and the scenery was very beautiful. The farther north we went the more trees and vegetation you would see. I got to rest a bit, try not to watch some bad movies they were playing, read Sai Baba’s Gita while I was listening to Kenny Logins, doing my best not to think too much. I was feeling pretty secure for I knew I would be met at the bus station.  

End of Part 2 and Continue........ Part 3.

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