My Spiritual Journey to Ghana

My Spiritual Trip to Ghana
by Cathy Bilsky
Part Four (Last week in Ghana)

Once again before I go forward I must go back a bit. You may have noticed I have not put any names in my writing. I have not gotten anyone’s permission to use their names and it would be just too darn hard for me to make up names and remember them. If this does become a book that will be changed but until then every one can remain anonymous. I must touch base on the group I was staying with in Tamale. They do bring in volunteers all the time to help them and the people of Ghana. With their own limited resources they have started a school for girls, paying the tuition, books, and cloths and supply them with bikes. They go out to villages helping with whatever they can and are now starting to break ground for a free healing clinic in one of the villages. Very inspiring group to hang out with. They are open to donations.

As much as I praise Ghana let me be clear here in saying that the people are pretty nice yet they have a pretty corrupt government..Much like the United States government is corrupt. I did not have to deal with the government at all just the locals so the trip was fairly easy. Yes there are also hustlers and untrusting people in Ghana…However that kind of crowd can be found in any country and if you are new meat in town then you are ripe for the pickings and must be careful. Because I kept my connection to the Divine I only drew to me loving, kind and helpful people.

The Divine kept me on a very tight budget…..basically giving me just enough to get by. I can see the wisdom in this for then I didn’t have any desire to travel and just see the country like a normal tourist nor focus on what I could buy to put in my store. I was able to give my mission 100% of my attention. It would have been nice to go see the wild elephants, monkeys and crocodiles. To do this I would have had to travel another 2oo miles north of Tamale, which would have taken a lot of time and money I didn’t have. I will just have to watch more animal planet on TV when I got back home. A friend said she would send me a little extra money and then she never got my info on how to do it that I e-mailed to her. With my brain like it was I thought she just changed her mind never thinking of the possibility that she didn’t get the info. I went to plan B which was to put in the $300 my friend said I could use in an emergency. I was down to my last $40. This was an emergency. Even that was blocked for all I could pull out of my account was $140. I didn’t know no one pressed the enter button on my visa/master card machine to put the money through. I figured if I was really careful the $140.00 would last me the 1-1/2 weeks I had left in Ghana. In reality it wasn’t and my son came through for me and sent me a little more money the last week I was in Accra. That gift was priceless and it was enough for me to get home, get through customs and have a little extra left that allowed me to send it to my daughter who was in need.

It is amazing how the Divine just worked it all out. OK let’s just recap what the Divine expected of me on this trip. I was to accept whatever came my way with the same balanced emotions. Neither getting too happy or upset. Keeping my emotions on an even keel. Don’t focus on any outcomes. Bless the heck out of my food. Wait on the will of the Divine for directions and go for those open doors. Watch my words, deeds and actions and be happy with what I am given. Have faith that I will be taken care of and keep my focus on God. And do lots of service for those in need. No problem I can do that. Now we can move forward some to my last week in Accra with the Sai Baba group.

All I can say is I see why God did not let me connect with them in the beginning for I would have stayed in Accra. What a high energy group to be around. What living examples. They were kind, caring, giving, fun, spiritual, tolerant…I could go on and on with praise for them but I think you get the idea. It was much easier for me here for any one that needed healings came to me. I was given a lot of grace and able to hold some sacred belongings that had to do with Sai Baba. One was holding his robe, which is not something people that have them let you do. Sai Baba manifested for this woman a lingam amethyst and crystal egg. I got to hold that along with receiving some blessed lingam water. And got to hold a ring that Sai Baba manifested for this same person. She received a lot of grace from Sai Baba and shared the grace with others. This may have little meaning in your life but for me these experiences were priceless and Sai baba could not have given me any finer gifts. But that is me …give me a crystal throw in a rainbow and I am happy.

The last week I healed, taught a lot of people how to use the Angelite and did a few soul retrievals. It was great. Not only did I get to teach but I learned a lot about some new herbs. Other than go to the computer place to keep my connection with everyone at home, that sums up the whole week. I was in a high spiritual energy that gave me security and much comfort. I was overwhelmed at the end with all the gifts I received from the Sai group. Money donations, food, beads, dresses, bottles of water, massages, lingam water, then I was sprinkled with lots of kindness and love. Was it hard to say good bye? Yes it was and it was time for me to come home. I left the rest of the Angelite with the Sai group. I know this chapter seems a bit short…this was a time of no drama…..just high spiritual energy. Little did I know that this was a time I needed all the high energy I could get to get me ready for all the drama I had when I went home to Hawaii.


End of Part 4 and Continue........ Part 5.

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